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26-04-2019 20:30


IKARUS are a musical organism comprised of Ramón Oliveras (composition and drums), Anna Hirsch (vocals), Andreas Lareida (vocals), Lucca Fries (piano), and Mo Meyer (bass). They call their sound Evocative Jazz – a volatile mixture that emphasizes polyrhythms, sensual singing, and energetic improvisation. The 5 piece is a prism through which influences drawn from Jazz, Prog,, left-field Electronica, and Contemporary Classical Music pass through, and create a very distinct sound signature on the output. The key ingredient that sets them apart from other contemporary outfits playing around with the Jazz idiom is their use of a wordless, abstracted blend of male and female vocals; as lead instruments and texture. An image to bare in mind while listening to IKARUS is a beautiful tension created between a Nordic darkness and a sweltering, equatorial color palette.

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Jazz Bar 27B flat
Sint-Jakobsstraat 15
8000 Brugge

Resto/Bar+32 492 20 09 33
Bands, DJ - +32 492 20 09 33

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