23-03-2018 20:30
Filippo Sax
Filippo Bianchini was born in Orvieto, Italy, but he lives from 0 to 8 years in Rome. Thanks to the father's collection of LP and a family friend, Alberto Casasoli, began studying music at 7 years hold. At 10,he started playing the tenor saxophone. Shortly after, he began his first lessons of sax with Mauro Verrone, who introduced him to the great music of Charlie Parker, Lester Young, Sonny Rollins, John Coltrane, Miles Davis, Massimo Urbani and many others. At 18 years hold, he starts the class of Saxophone with Mario Raja at the Conservatory F.Morlacchi of Perugia, where he graduated in 2007, obtaining the highest marks (10/10). In September 2007 he moved to Netherlands in the city of The Hague to gets a specialization at the Royal Conservatory of Den Haag. Here, he has the opportunity to study with one of the greatest european musicians: the american saxophonist and clarinetist John Ruocco. In 2013 he completed his studies and he obtained a Master's degree in Jazz Saxophone. He also studied with David Liebman, John Ellis, Barry Harris, Simon Righter, Max Ionata, Ramberto Ciammarughi, Rosario Giuliani, Bob Mover, Tivonne Pennicott, Mike Manieri, Teddy Charles, Greg Hutchinson, Gilad Hekselman, Joshua Redman, Aaron Parks, Chris Cheek, Reggie Workman, Billy Harper, Joel Frahm, Donny McCaslin , Udo Van Boven, Erik Doelman and many others.
Proef de sfeerNeem contact op
Jazz Bar 27B flat
Sint-Jakobsstraat 15
8000 Brugge
E: resto@27bflat.be
Resto/Bar – +32 492 20 09 33
Bands, DJ - +32 492 20 09 33
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